
Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Date To Remember...

Lately I have been seeing so many cute DIY Family Birthday Boards on Pinterest.  Being that I have an awful memory, especially with dates, I just knew I needed to make one.

I bought a 5.5" x 24" board from Home Depot and spray painted it black.  Next I added a vinyl decal I made with "Dates to Remember" and the months... and then took a pack of wooden circles I painted various colors and added the special dates to.  I attached all of the circles with jump rings and hung from an eye hook at the bottom of the wood.

Easy Peasy!!!  Want to make one?  I can supply the decals... you supply the hardware and time.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Dear Santa Printable

Before you read any further, please note that this my be a bit controversial to some...  but they are my honest thoughts.

My daughter somehow learned all about Santa this year without me even saying a word about the jolly fella.  Honestly, I wasn't even sure if I was going to do the whole "Santa" thing with her... even though I LOVE Christmas time.  Being that she is too young to understand about the MAGIC of Santa and I do not want her to innocently spoil the fun for someone else, I feel like I have to go along with it.  Bitter Sweet!!!

She recently mentioned wanting to write a letter to Santa. I started to plan a little "Dear Santa" play date with her and her friends to do a few crafts and create their letters (which has since turned into an official Toddler Tuesday event at Jax Couture Events & Boutique). 

Since she's three and I wasn't too sure if he would be able to read her "handwriting" yet so I made her a letter template that she could draw her list to him.


If you would like a copy of this printable for your little, please e-mail me: