
Friday, July 17, 2009

Wedding Decals

Brenda's Wedding Blog is hosting a giveaway for a monogram dance floor (can also be used on the walls) sponsored by... yours truly. The giveaway began earlier today & will run through Monday, July 27th.
Stop by Brenda's Wedding Blog to enter into the giveaway. I am offering any (1) of my basic designs which would look great on any floor, wall, window, mirror... oh, you know I could go on & on with this list.

If you want to make a direct purchase for one of these monogram decals, e-mail me at I am running a $20 (plus shipping) special through the end of the summer (August 24th).

Getaway in style... the "Just Married" removable decal is now only $10 (plus shipping) & available in two styles.

These decals are easily removed & do not leave behind any residue. Do you want something custom? E-mail me & I will create a design for you.

Please welcome my new wedding designs to dress up empty walls...

To order any of the decals above, e-mail me at


  1. Hi
    Found you on SITS! Hope your weekend will be great.

    I have a funny post today;) Come read about the red carpet!

    Greetings from Spain

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