
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Personalize This: Special Request

I've said it before & I'll say it again... I love custom requests. I mostly create designs for weddings (monograms) and children's rooms. I couldn't say I enjoy one over the other. Seeing a happy bride use one of my monogram decal on the dance floor makes me just as happy as seeing a child's face light up when they see their name written on the wall with their favorite design.

A dear friend of mine who I have known for ages recently asked me to design a wall decal for her daughter, Destinee'. She enjoys gymnastics & bright colors so I created this personalized wall decal for her.

Victoria the custom wedding garter specialist, who happens to be another friend of mine who I met recently via Twitter left me a message asking me to create a design for her son's birthdays which are coming up.

They enjoy skateboarding. I have a few more ideas to work up, but this is what I have come up with so far.
Both designs will be available to purchase through my shop. If you wish to purchase either of these designs, request a custom design or have any other inquiry, please e-mail me:

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