
Monday, May 14, 2012

MOPs... Mother's Of Preschoolers

When I first told my husband I was joining MOPs, he asked me if it was some kind of cleaning group.  Until the day I went to a yard sale and a MOPs mom shared what it really was with me, I had no idea either... and quite honestly, may have thought the same thing as my husband.

Now that I have been a part of MOPs for a couple of years, I actually learned that it kind of is like a cleaning group... we just cleanse the soul and mind.  We help other moms learn how to be better moms, stronger moms, smarter moms.

My MOPs Murray Hill group has helped me several times in the past "clean" up a mental mess I was in by helping me relax, praying with me... and for me.

Our MOPs Murray Hill group has been so blessed with wonderful, loving caregivers in our nursery so that we are able to meet in peace (with the children in another room).  This year we decided to give our caregivers a gift that we hope will help them during these hot summers months and future months to come after those.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. love the idea for my MOPS group - could you share where you got the tumblers? kim.wuenschel @ hotmail dot com THANKS!

  3. I too, would like to know where you got those tumblers! :)

  4. Yes! Please share where you got the tumblers! What a great idea!

  5. I also want to know where you got these tumblers! Looking for MOPPETS volunteer gift ideas!

  6. please tell me where you got these tumblers

  7. What did you use to paint the design? What is dishwasher safe??? Thanks for sharing!!
