Thursday, September 27, 2012

Trunk or Treat 2011 :: Angry Birds Edition

...another trip down the Halloween memory lane...

The time: 2011

The place: The Donia (our church)

The setting: Trunk or Treat

The game :: ANGRY BIRDS

Let me start by saying that I seriously think my son (13 at the time) and I had as much fun putting this all together as the kids had playing it.

The game was completely interactive with the ANGRY BIRDS bouncing all over the place.  It was a lot of fun.

We used small "kick balls" for all of the green pigs and Angry Birds to launch.  I cut all of the Angry Birds on display out of poster board.  The "wooden" pieces are all spray painted boxes that I later actually used to ship orders.  We don't waste around here!


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